Friday, February 27, 2009

Brush & Rinse

I just bought 10 of these here. They are only like a $1 each.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tweet your way around the world!

Paul Smith, a freelance journalist, is doing something kinda cool. He is using Twitter to hitchhike his way from Newcastle to where ever he can get in 30 days. Can he tweet his way to New Zealand? Maybe! His trip kicks off on March 1. Check it out here on Englishmen in New York. here is his Twitter profile. And of course, details can also be found on his blog, here.

jacko's junk

the largest Michael Jackson online shop

We are...

Friday, February 20, 2009

Shreds Videos

These videos came out a while ago but I wanted to post a few up because they're so awesome.
This guy dubbed horrible playing over famous musicians and its hilarious.

Running from the camera

This is a pretty cool idea turned into a blog by some dude nobody knows.

Check it out

Verizon Hub "landline slayer" officially unveiled

Article from engadget:

We've been on the trail of the Verizon Hub since way back when it was called the Verizon One, in fact, but it's just been officially announced, and there are plenty of details to report now. The system boasts a 7-inch touchscreen display, and will work with Verizon wireless subscribers handset(s) to eliminate the need for a landline (people still have those!?) The idea here is that the hub can sync to your calendar, contacts, maps, traffic and weather reports via broadband. It can also send and receive text messages, and do all kinds of cute little tasks like send driving directions to your phone. Subscribers have to live in an E911-capable area, and will be able to bring any phone number with them if they want to sign up for new service. The hardware's going to cost $200 (after a $50 mail-in rebate) with a subscription fee of $35 per month -- which comes with unlimited minutes and texts to and from the device.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Twelve Animals: World maps as Chinese zodiac

In a series of illustrations entitled “Twelve Animals” graphic artist Kentaro Nagai rearranges the world map to create the beasts of the Chinese zodiac.

many of us have beards, lets take this guy on.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Body Type

The letters are Russian though.

Interactive video

Here's the link to the interactive video I was talking about at the meeting today.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I usually don't like cutesy video's like the 'Charlie bit my finger' nonsense, but there's something about the absurdity of the way kids think that makes this genuinely funny.
Not forced weirdness like some ads try to do.
But genuine, un-tainted weirdness that only a child can produce.

Computer Tan

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


New things coming from mixing the seemingly unrelated.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Friday, February 6, 2009

Line drawings of all the presidents.

Did you know?

I think it means we are screwed up as human being.

GE Smart Gird - Augmented Reality

Just awesome!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The making of an anesthesiologist

This kid just had dental surgery. Or his first taste of college.

Monday, February 2, 2009

YeahYeahYeahs "Maps" - Cover

Welcome... to the FUTURE....

Naturally enhancing your iphone's... personality

Kind of speaks for itself.
I think that's Jemaine commenting.

What? You like birds?

Keeping with the bird theme here's this ridiculous bird that impersonates the craziest things.

Some Art

My first post should blow your mind.
Please refrain from cries of animal cruelty.
This was a choice they made in a desperate situation, but it was completely voluntary.
Like stripping.