Monday, March 8, 2010


Update your bookmarks everybody, we've started a-tumbling:
Anablog23 on Tumblr

Friday, February 5, 2010

Different way of using YouTube controls

For Adidas. You can use different video keyboard controls and commands to interact with the player to set how high he jumps, how fast he goes etc. But the best feature is they won't reveal the full video until a number of people clicks on it. See it here
ps. for some reason YouTube won't let me embed.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

I'm Here Trailer (Spike Jonze)

Spike Jonze, has recently returned to his ad man roots, collaborating with Absolut on a 30-minute short film, I'm Here. Described as a' robot love story', it premieres at Sundance but you can get a taste for it right here.

Awkard Stock Photos

for all your most awkward art directing needs:
Awkward Stock Photos

Ironic post

Nike's Priceless Picks for Europe

By AKQA. Click for more.

Ever received a scam email from a Nigerian prince?

here's a great take on it from Mother - London

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

3D Projection on Buildings

Projection on Buildings from NuFormer Digital Media on Vimeo.

NuFormer Digital Media develops high-skill 3D video mapping projections.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cool CES display

More here

Conan puts tonight show up for sale on craigslist


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Vintage Ad Browser

Very well organized by year and by subject.

Framestore VFX-iPhone App

Great thing to keep in the pocket, eps there is someone you hate, or may be you love...